Copyright © 2004-2024 by GoalEnforcer, SVT Systems. All rights reserved.
This is awesome
"Being someone who's tried a couple of electronic organizers, and even a few paper based ones, nothing kept me focused and ON SCHEDULE like GoalEnforcer.
Ok, it won't zap you in the arm when you're not on task, but I discovered it had an amazing "hidden" design... it's very intuitive to use, and as you begin to use it, you just want to use it more. This is the key!
Just to "try it out" I entered a project I was working on, next thing you know I was breaking down all the steps, setting all the deadlines, and in probably 15 minutes or less I had a complete timeline of exactly what needed to be done.
What amazed me is this... I could clearly see how each task fit into subsequent tasks, and that IF I wanted to hit my deadline, each component need to be done on time. As a great procrastinator, this was an amazing insight... because when I wanted to put something off I realized I'd be putting the whole project behind.
And just to make sure I wasn't falling behind in any of the tasks, GoalEnforcer changed color on various tasks based on its status. This is awesome.
Finally I uploaded the finished timelines for my team to view, and stayed on track BECAUSE I could easily see how each step, and each task was connected to subsequent tasks.
Bottom line - Watch the slides on how it works and download the demo...I guarantee after giving it a quick spin you'll see that this tool is worth 10 times the price they're asking for."
Ray Chong
Stock Market Investor
Author of "Market Millions"
Last night for the first time in ages I had a good night's sleep
"Late yesterday I purchased GoalEnforcer and started using it immediately.
Last night for the first time in ages I had a good night's sleep. Immediately upon committing my tasks to GoalEnforcer I felt that a weight had been lifted off my mind; hence the good night's sleep.
I thank you for such a great piece of software. I know it's going to make a positive difference in my life!"
Mike Sullivan New Zealand
The visual organization I need to reach my goals
"Achieving excellence in any area requires focus, direction and organization. As an elite athlete I learned that these factors most often are the difference between victory and defeat.
Now, as a business owner and author, I've found GoalEnforcer to give me the tools I need to stay focused and on task. The ingenious design of the program allows for the easy, visual organization I need to reach my goals by breaking them down into manageable, timed steps.
Traci Brown, Boulder, USA
Personal Trainer for Your Mind
3-Time US National Collegiate Cycling Champion
Author of "How to Make Money, Have Fun and Love What You Do"
With everything I know about setting goals and how the mind works, it's still easy for me to become overwhelmed when faced with a big project and procrastinate or not even get started. By using this program, I've been amazed at how manageable my publishing and web projects have become. They're easier and get done more quickly. My mind is free to think about one thing at a time because all of my organization has been done in advance. Thank You!"
I was able to start a home business from a hobby
"When not busy with computers and networks, Norm is flying airplanes over the Rocky Mountains: "I've been flying since I was 11, it's my passion."
But Norm has a second passion: woodworking.
"For years I've been thinking about making an extra-income from my hobby, but it was always like: one day, maybe."
"I knew it was just a matter of sitting down and writing a plan but ... one day, maybe."
Norman Ballas
IT Manager and Airplane Pilot
Peyton - USA
One day finally came for Norm when he was browsing the Internet and found GoalEnforcer: "I liked this software from the start. It was different from the others, it was visual. I'm used to maps, flight maps as a pilot and network maps at work, and therefore I liked the idea."
"I started drafting my plans right away, a few minutes after I've downloaded and installed the software. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep that night."
After ten minutes I was sure that I never ever want to use another organization software again
"As a visual thinker I always had my problems with the list-based approaches of task and project managers. Mindmapping tool on the other side, are good for collecting ideas and outlining the structure of projects but had limited task and project management functions. Therefore, I used to develop my projects in mind-maps and administrated them in lists. I was not very happy with this solution but there was no software available which could do both.
Last week I stumbled across GoalEnforcer. I was suprised that I have never heard about this piece of software before but gave it a try. After ten minutes I was sure that I never ever want to use another organization software again! GoalEnforcer is the perfect combination of a mindmapping and a project management tool and certainly closes a gap within the software market. "
Jacob Fricke
Graduate Student at the University of Kassel, Germany

"Als visueller Denker hatte ich schon immer meine Probleme mit listenbasierten Aufgaben- und Projektverwaltungsprogrammen. Mindmap-Programme waren auf der anderen Seite zwar gut um Ideen zu sammeln und die Struktur von Projekten zu planen, verfügten aber stets nur über limitierte Aufgaben- und Projektmanagementfunktionen. Aus diesem Grund habe ich lange Zeit meine Projekte mit Mind-Maps entwickelt und in Listen verwaltet. Ich war über diese Lösung nicht sehr glücklich, aber es gabe keine Software auf dem Markt welche meinen Wünschen entsprochen hätte.
Letzte Woche bin ich auf GoalEnforcer gestoßen. Ich war überrascht, dass ich nie zuvor von diesem Programm gehört hatte, installierte aber dennoch die Testversion. Nach zehn Minuten war mir klar, dass ich nie wieder eine andere Organisationssoftware verwenden würde! GoalEnforder ist die perfekte Kombination aus Mindmapping und Projektmanagement. Es schließt damit definitin eine große Lücke auf dem Softwaremarkt."
Jacob Fricke
Graduate Student an der Universität Kassel, Deutschland
It can make a difference!
"Like most other college students, I had found there to be less and less time to accomplish more and more tasks as I struggled to establish my independence. Juggling my studies, work, social life, and personal goals lead to an increasing amount of stress, which in turn lead to less productivity in each facet of my life. I started losing the ambition that I had always found so easy to muster up.
A friend, noticing my daily struggles with time management, told me about GoalEnforcer. Since I was longing to adopt a more proactive lifestyle, I decided that it could be just what I had been looking for. I visited its website and had it up and running within minutes of my purchase. I was soon setting up a program to help me fulfill all the goals which I had found difficult in the past. The interface is extremely intuitive; once I finished the brief tutorial, I was immediately able to create and input plans for my goals as quickly as I was able to think them up. I could tell right away that achieving my goals could be much easier than I thought. GoalEnforcer helped me clarify my thoughts and organize my ideas, and that was a big help.
Just two months later, and I have already seen the results of using GoalEnforcer. I am no longer finding myself up at two in the morning finishing a paper for school; I can now break down every step of the process, from research to final publication, into much more manageable tasks. And it really keeps me on track, I'm amazed. A quick look at the color coded items can tell me right away what needs immediate attention. I was able to find so much free time that I have even started doing something which I could have never seen myself doing: exercising on a regular basis. I now go running three days per week, and I already feel the better for it! "
Kevin Miller
Kansas City - USA
GoalEnforcer works the way my mind works!
"GEF works the way my mind thinks and I love to use it as my primary planning and task tracking tool."
Arnie Cohen
Modern Postcard Manager