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GoalEnforcer Visual Goal Setting Software

GoalEnforcer Visual Goal Setting Software Map
Develop your ideas
Start planning immediately
Boost your productivity
Set and track your tasks
Get things done
Download GoalEnforcer Visual Goal Setting Software
GoalEnforcer software download includes goal setting tutorial. Get started in a few minutes!
If you have a dream,
GoalEnforcer is the best Goal Setting Software to make it happen.

Visualize your Goals and Achieve your Dreams!

Set your Goals, Plan Faster and Accomplish More

The Innovation

GoalEnforcer is a visual goal planning software that can help you plan, get focused and accomplish goals much faster than any other method. Its innovative interface lets you unleash the power of recursive visual thinking and increase your productivity. You can easily set and rearrange a goal achievment plan by dragging and dropping virtual objects. It includes color coding, status report, and progress chart features for goal tracking. The calendar view can remind you about important due dates, and the new hyperfocus view will optimize your attention and keep you on track. Good for home projects, as well as business project management. Keep your family, friends and co-workers updated by sending status report emails, or posting progress charts to web sites.
GoalEnforcer vs other Goal Setting Software
Time Spent Planning
GoalEnforcer provides a better plan in less time
GoalEnforcer is a:
- Visual Organizer
- Project Manager
- Task Manager
- Progress Report
GoalEnforcer can:
- Set your goals
- Track your progress
- Visually generate and organize your tasks
- Send progress reports by email
- Post reports in HTML format

GoalEnforcer allows you to:
- Get started on an idea
- Capture and organize your thoughts
- Plan faster
- Increase yourchance of success
- Think clearer
- Save time
- Brainstorm solutions
- Reach your dream goals

Goalenforcer Applications

- Goal Setting
- Project Management
- ToDo List
- Task List
- Task Manager
- Checklist
- Planner
- Brainstorming
- New Year's Resolutions
- Contractors
- Software Development
- Home Projects
- Wedding Planner
- Party Planner
- Financial Planner
- School Projects
- Study Guide
- Teaching Planner
- Trip Planner
- Home Remodeling
- Home Building
- Business Plan
- Self-improvement
- Dieting
- Exercising Program
- Reading Books
- Sports Training
- Weight Loss
- Body Building
- Business Presentation
- Article Writing
- Research
- Academic
- Workplace
- Status Report
- Setting Strategies
- Problem Solving
- Time management
- Book writing
- Contract Work
- Engineering
- Designing
- Shopping List
- Web Development
- Improving Focus

GoalEnforcer on the go!

GoalEnforcer can work from USB flash drives (USB keys, USB thumb drives). Take GoalEnforcer and your goal-setting projects with you everywhere you go.
After ten minutes I was sure that I never ever want to use another organization software again
Jacob Fricke - Visual Goal Setting User
"As a visual thinker I always had my problems with the list-based approaches of task and project managers. Mindmapping tool on the other side, are good for collecting ideas and outlining the structure of projects but had limited task and project management functions. Therefore, I used to develop my projects in mind-maps and administrated them in lists. I was not very happy with this solution but there was no software available which could do both.
Last week I stumbled across GoalEnforcer. After ten minutes I was sure that I never ever want to use another organization software again! GoalEnforcer is the perfect combination of a mindmapping and a project management tool and certainly closes a gap within the software market. "
Jacob Fricke
Graduate Student  at the University of Kassel, Germany

Download Free GoalEnforcer Version
I'm fortunate to have come across this software!
"I work as an accountant in a public practice and I manage a portfolio of about 25 clients. I am usually attending to 5 or more client's needs at any one time, and it is not unusual for there to be numerous outstanding issues that can drag on for days or weeks while we wait for client information, signatures or other obligatory information.  Prior to using your software, a lot of important unfinished business would occasionally slip through the cracks or activities carried out before proper paperwork was properly authorised.

Your software has solved that problem for me.  The boss's PA has noticed what I've been doing and how I've been doing it, and it has come to the boss's attention. He's also noticed an improvement in my productivity and error rate, so he wants the same software for his other staff, including his PA.

I first came across your software through a web-search - I was searching for project management software and was unable to find anything that was particularly user-friendly and cost-efficient until I came across your software.

I haven't look back since. I'm fortunate to have come across software early in the piece, and look forward to growing with it."

Alan McCarty
Public Accountant
"We are using Goalenforcer as a central part of a European union behaviour change program focused on health.  It has been incorporated into an interactive DVD which uses multimedia materials (video, audio) and is the final session of the intervention, allowing counsellor and client to plan the first steps for change.  The intervention is being used in 10 countries and the response from clients to the program has been excellent.  It is a clear, intuitive and rather fun way to incorporate layered goals and allows movement from higher level goals (who I want to be..) to simple ones (go to the doctor 11am Monday). Support from the Goalenforcer team has been excellent!"
GoalEnforcer in Neuroscience Research
National Health Service UK
Agnes Kocsis, Principal Investigator Eurosupport 6
Learn more about goals, subgoals and tasks >>
GoalEnforcer Goal Setting Software for Windows
GoalEnforcer GoalSetting Software for Mac
Mac OS X
GoalEnforcer Visual Thinking Test

Visual Thinking Productivity Boost

So, what's this visual thinking fuss all about?
Quickly check how you can improve your productivity with this brief visual thinking test.
New GoalEnforcer AI!
see details
Check our new product, The Visual Outliner >>
GoalEnforcer is now available as a web app >>
(by invitation only)
New Artificial Intelligence Goal Generator now available >>